Trotter Family Tree - Alexander Trotter / Dave Trotter Branch

James Trotter m. Elizabeth Litster 21.7.1750 ??

            I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Alexander Crighton

James Trotter m  Bell Haitly ??                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I
C..1 9.1751                              James Whillans   m  Jean Riddel                                                                                              James Summers  m Elizabeth Gilmore    William Burns   m.   Jean Crighton

            I                                                      I                                                                                                                                             I                                                                     I         c.   12.4.1769

James Trotter           m             Minto Whillans                                                                                                                          Margaret Summers                       m       Alexander Burns    m. 28.12.1785

c.13.8.1775                              bapt 23.4.1780                                                                                                                        c.24.1.1796                                             b.28.2.1787

m abt 1800                               m abt 1800                                                                                                                               m.12.10.1823                                         m.12.10.1823

d bef 1841                               d 9.1.1862                                                                                                                                d.14.11.1886                                          d.16.3.1867

______I______________________________                                                                                                                        ___________________________I__________________________________

            I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I

Andrew  Trotter                                                                                                                                                                                                                Isobella Burns

b.1815 sometime                                                                                                                                                                                                                   b.5.3.1824

m.23.7.1843                                                                                                                                                                                                                          m.23.7.1843

d.4,5.1889                                                                                                                                                                                                                             d.1.12.1901


            I                             I                       I                        I                      I                    I                        I                                       I                                      I                          I                           I

Alexander Trotter       Margaret            Minto              Andrew          James          Elizabeth             John                              William                            Isabella                Jane                    Agnes

b.23.4.1845                b.1848                b.1849           b.1850            b.1853          b.15.8.1855        b.8.8.1857                     b.6.2.1859                      b.16.6.1861        b.1863                 b.3.6.1868

d.29.7.1920                d.20.11.1918      d.8.6.1916     d.17.4.1869    d.2.6.1940    d.12.8.1926        d.1.6.1927                     d.20.6.1912                    d.1937                d.24.12.1868       d.5.9.1951

m.5.6.1882                 m.22.7.1870       m.15.3.1872                       m.29.5.1874    m.13.8.1880      m.8.3.1880                     m.9.1.1883                     m.12.9.1882                                   m.1894

Annie Davie Martin     Alexander Allan James Hutchinson            Ann Graham    John Craig          Isobella Abbot Ross      Rebecca Jane Lucas     Adam Davie Martin                         Joseph Steven Bird

b.14.11.1856              b.abt.1842          (2) Daniel Bann              (2).Catherine Ware                       b.5.5.1863                     b.abt.1862                       b.1858                                           b.abt.1852

d.19.11.1933              d.24.3.1919        m.29.4.1905                   Met her 1899                                 d.6.5.1896                     d.27.7.1932                    d.1935                                            d.26.5.1935


            I                    I                           I                    I                                        I                                I                      I                                    I                           I                       I                                  I

Annie             Rose Isabel Annie  Alexander     Francis                        Lizzie Adelia           Eudoras Mary        Minto Anice            Sara Jane Alice    James Reid      Ivy Margaret            Davie Burns Trotter

b.18.10.1883 b.20.9.1884            b.20.1.1887   b.9.3.1888                  b.29.12.1889          b.24.4.1892            b.4.1.1894              b.3.12.1895          b.27.8.1897     b.17.10.1899           b.13.10.1902

d.1883           m. 11.2.1925          d.6.3.1958     d.30.9.1957                d.1.9.1957              d.21.5.1945            d.17.1.1977            d.11.6.1983          d.11.11.1924    d.13.1.1975             d.14.4.1989

                      Peter Kelly             m.1.8.1918    m.3.9.1919                 m.23.3.1920           m.4.8.1914             m.16.4.1924            m.6.7.1920           m.25.8.1921    m.17.2.1927            m.30.5.1934

                                                     Coral Cliff    Gertrude Newman      George Heard J P    Alex Wylie             Nathaniel Hamilton   Harold Owens     Olive Roke       Gordon Wallace      Mavis  Crawshaw



                                                                                                                                                                                     I                                                                   I                                                 I

                                                                                                                                                                           Michael Davie (Me)                                            Sybil Mavis                                  Roger Louis

                                                                                                                                                                           b.29.5.1935                                                        b.8.3.39  d 17.7.2022                  b.15.10.46

                                                                                                                                                                           m.Patricia Maureen Baldwin 18.6.1960


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        I                                                                                   I                                                                                         I

Kevin Burns                                                          Shelley Anne                                                                        Bruce Grant

b.18.7.62                                                               b.22.7.65                                                                              b.27.12.68  

                                                                              Partner Clinton Bray                                                             m. Cushla Sheridan 2.5.06 ______________________________________________I_______________________________               ______I______________________________

                              I                                I                                 I                                     I                                               I                                            I

              Jamie Louisa Bray   Maggie Elizabeth Bray  Joseph Alexander Bray  Timothy Burns Bray                Matthew John Trotter       Evelyn Fay Trotter

              b.22.1.1995             b.25.12.1996                b.31.5.1998                     b.31.5.1998                             b.21.6.2007                      b.6.4.2009                                                          Back


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Any items thus: ?? still require checking for verification.  Please contact me at:   for any comment or suggestions.




These genealogy pages  on Trotter Family History are provided for the general interest of the extended Trotter "Clan". They have been researched and compiled by various family members in good faith.

There may be mistakes.  Please contact me with any corrections. It is presumed any wider Trotter Family who can prove kinship may wish to use any information here to add to their own family records.

No authority is given by the publishers of this Website to any other persons or organisations to copy or republish any of this information.