Rose the second child and daughter of  the ALEX and ANNIE TROTTER family was born September 20th 1884 probably at Dairy Bay, Mahaurangi Heads, on the Lushington Estate where father Alex was employed as the farm hand. They lived in the supplied cottage which is said to be still in use. Hopefully a photo can be obtained sometime. She died on August the 29th 1955 at age 71.

She married Peter Kelly on the 11th of February 1925.  The family lived at Claudelands, Hamilton, N Z.

Rose had three children:

1.   John Bruce Trotter 'Jack' Married  Ruby Margaret Eaton 1945  Jack died 1975 and Ruby died 1985

2.   Ivan Bryce Trotter  Born in Morrinsville on the 21st January 1916   Died 1957. Four children.

3.   Eileen Mary Kelly 'Billie' Born the 26th July 1925  Died 9th June 2001. Married Brian Dunne One daughter Annette. 

                               Rose and Peter Kelly

                    John Bruce Trotter 'Jack'

                                     Alex and Annie's family about 1901. From the left
Sandy Age.13,Alex holding Jim Age.3,Then back,Delia Age 11, Frank Age.12,Front Jean Age.5, Annie holding Ivy Age.1, Back Dora Age.8, Front Minto Age.6
Rose standing Age 16,  Davie still to be born.

Ivan Bryce's family.  Graham, in the center, Barry on his father's knee and Dennis on his mothers. Their fourth child was Raewyn.
Graham and Connie's family today are: Catherine, Michael, Anthony, Nicolette, Brendan and Stephen.

Barry and Irina's son is Alexanda
Dennis and Raewyn's family are Tracey and Rachael.
Raewyn and Bryan Handcock's family are Jarrod, Nathan and Mathew.                     Back