Alexander was the third child and eldest son of  the ALEX and ANNIE TROTTER family. He was born on January 20th 1887 in New Zealand. He died on March the 6th 1958 at age 70.

He married CORALINA MAY CLIFF on the 1st of August 1918 at St Peters Church, Willis St, Wellington,  New Zealand  folio 3608.  Alex was 30 yrs old and Coral 21. She was born 1896 in New Zealand    reg no. 1968, and died October 1967 in New Zealand.  The family lived about Wellington and later Sandy moved to the South Auckland/Waikato region N Z.

Sandy and Coral had two children                                                Congratulations Olive  b.21/8/1917 (below) on  attaining her 100 years of age.

1. James (Jim) Alexander Trotter Born 27.6.1919 Died 26.6.2008  Married OLIVE LAUREL IVY BAKER 4.10.1945  Two daughters, and one son Gordon James.

2. Arthur John Trotter (John)  Born 7.6.1921 died 12.2.2001. Married Clarice Brown (Classie) 1943.  Three daughters, Shirley,  Lynette and Elaine.

                                Above, Alex and Annie's family about 1900. From the left:
Sandy Age.13,Alex holding Jim Age.3,Then back,Delia Age 11, Frank Age.12,Front Jean Age.5, Annie holding Ivy Age.1, Back Dora Age.8, Front Minto Age.6 Rose standing Age 16,  Davie not born.

To the left:      Sandy and Coralina

Below left:      Sandy and Coralina's sons John and Jim

Below center: John, later in life.  Below right: Postcard from Jim at the 2nd world war to the Heards


SANDY and CORALINA  were living at Winchester in 1921. When their marriage broke up son JIM went to live with the Heard family on the  original Trotter farm at Warkworth and brother JOHN went to live with the Wylie family

  JIM married OLIVE LAUREL IVY BAKER at Hastings, NZ on 4.10 1945 (after he returned from the war as a soldier)

  Their children were:

  01.             i.   NOELINE OLIVE (Changed to ALEXANDRA by deed poll).

  02.            ii.   MARY ELIZABETH (Changed to MYRA by deed poll).

  03            iii.   GORDON JAMES.


  JOHN married CLARICE BROWN (Classie) in 1943.

  Their children were:

  04.             i.   SHIRLEY   b. 1945.

  05.            ii.   LYNETTE  b. 1948.

  06.           iii.   ELAINE,     b. 1956.


  01. ALEXANDRA (previously  NOELINE OLIVE)  1 child Robine Pearl Harris (07.).

  Married     1.  GRAHAM ARTHUR RICHARDS  1 child Sherleigh Ann Richards(10.).

                   2.  CHARLES PHILLIP WERNER


  02. MYRA (previously MARY ELIZABETH)

  Married     1.  DAVID EMMETT SMITH  2 children Romelle Louise and Leighton Blair. Div

                   2.  JOHN BOWMAN Div



  Their children were:

  08.             i.  NATASHA

  09.            ii.  REGAN


  04. SHIRLEY married PETER ILES                                                                      Olive on her 100th birthday with her card from the Queen

  Their children are:

                    i.  BEVIN

                   ii.  HAYDEN

                  iii.  KATRINA


  05.  LYNETTE (LYNN) married JOHN CARR Div.

  Their children are:

                    i.  GREG

                   ii.  RENAE


  06. ELAINE married :

                   1.  PAUL ATTWOOD  Div. Their child is Zane Attwood.

                   2.  DON ALLAN  Div. Their child is  Todd Allan. (TODD married  Aleksandra Voloscuka in October 2017 their son is Brady Ian Allan born on the 9th Feb 2021)

                   3.  ROGER RUSSELL


  07.  ROBINE HARRIS's partner is CAMERON McKAY 

  Their child is:

                        Alexander McKay


  08.  NATASHA married  MATTHEW  MACAULAY  2009

  Their children are:

                    i.  James Macaulay

                   ii.  Zara Macaulay


  09.  REGAN married  VICKI NORMAN

  Their children are:

                    i.  Bartly Trotter

                   ii.  Alfie Trotter                                                                                Credits help with this page

   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                        Robine Harris

  10.  SHERLEIGH married  SIMON NEILSEN                                                     Myra Bowman

  Their children are:                                                                                           Lynette Carr

                    i.  Katelin Neilsen                                                                           And others

                   ii.  Lucy  Neilsen                                                                             

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