Isabella Trotter Isabella was born on June the 16th 1861 in Stonehouse, Lanark ,Scotland and died 1937 in N Z age 76 She left Plymouth, England, 29/11/1879 at age 18 along with her parents Andrew 60 and Isabella 60 brother William 20 and sister Agnes 11 on the ship "Earl Grandville". They arrived at Auckland N Z on 4/3/1880. She married Adam (called Peter) Davie-Martin on September 12 1882 at St Davids Church, Auckland. Adam was the second son and fourth child of Adam and Ann Davie-Martin who lived at Martin's Bay north of Auckland N Z. He was born in 1858. Adam 's older sister Annie had married Alexander Trotter, Isabella's oldest brother two months earlier.. |
Isabella and Peter's family. Ethel, held by her father. Agnes (Ag) sitting between her parents. William (Bill) standing at the back to the left. Sarah Ann next, Adam Andrew (Andrew) next and Isabella Jane on the right. Davie-Martin house at Martin's Bay (Photo date guess 1900). Ann Dale (Peter's Mother) with the dog at the entrance porch. Note the timber roof shingles of differing age styles along with some corrugated iron. |
Descendants of Isabella Trotter Generation No. 1 Children of ISABELLA TROTTER and ADAM DAVIE-MARTIN are: 1. ADAM ANDREW4 DAVIE-MARTIN (ISABELLA3 TROTTER, ANDREW2, JAMES1) was born August 02, 1883 in Mahurangi New Zealand, and died March 16, 1971 He married ANNIE MARY BOLER December 20, 1926 in Tauhoa Auckland New Zealand. She died 1958 in per NZ archives. Generation No. 2 Children of ADAM DAVIE-MARTIN and ANNIE BOLER are: 1. ISABEL ANNE5 DAVIE-MARTIN, b. December 31, 1932, Helensville Auckland New Zealand d. January 26, 1987, m. SYD ASHTON. 2. PETER ALFRED DAVIE-MARTIN m GWEN POOL 3. LIONEL DAVIE-MARTIN. 4. RONALD LLOYD DAVIE-MARTIN 2. ISABELLA JANE DAVIE-MARTIN m WILLIAM CHARLES PARVIN. 3. SARAH ANN DAVIE-MARTIN m JOHN ROBERT MARTIN. 4. WILLIAM JOHN DAVIE-MARTIN d July 1975 aged 87 years. 5. AGNES DAVIE-MARTIN 6. ETHEL CHRISTENIA DAVIE-MARTIN m JOHN HANNAFORD. EDGERLY (JACK) Generation No. 2 Children of ETHEL DAVIE-MARTIN and JACK EDGERLY are: 1. ETHEL EDGERLY m BERKELY MABBETT. 2. BILL EDGERLY m ROSE KINNELL. Credit to Gay Noyer for help with this page. |