100 YEARS OLD 26TH APRIL 1909 - 2009
Freda Baldwin was born in Dunedin a century ago, the youngest of the three Kennard sisters - Irene, Iris and Freda.
Her schooling was at Caversham Primary and Otago Girls High. She is Patron of the Old Girls branch in Auckland and was their treasurer for many years. Her employment after leaving school was with A.H. Reed the publisher ['Pop Reed' as she fondly calls him]. In 1935 she married Arnold Baldwin and moved to Christchurch and then Auckland where she helped Arnold in the early years of his starting up in business. They had their two daughters Maureen and Lorraine
after moving to Mt Eden from their first flat in Cricket Ave right alonside Eden Park
The world has seen many changes in her century. The first cars and planes, two world wars, depressions and epidemics to mention a few, and now the electronics age. She has taken all these in her stride though computers are not her thing. Who needs one when they have a good memory and a mathmatical mind such as she has. Because of her good memory she has much to tell the young ones of "the olden days". The horse drawn trams that came out
as far as their gate, the man with the ladder who lit the gas street lamps. Wonder of wonders penny ice creams, lollies for a halfpenny. A penny being smaller than a cent in value.
Recently when assembling a list of guests for her celebration she supplied most of the addresses and phone numbers from her "very personal computer". It's a good one filled with memories of numerous friends and occasions.
See Photos
Mathew is 22 months old. See Photos
Evelyn Fay Trotter was born at Nambour Hospital on the 6.4.09. See Photos.